In the Marin IJ on Sunday April 21, the Dick Spotswood Opinion wrote about the April 8th civil grand jury report, What Have They Done? An Update on the Responses to the 2022-2023 Marin County Civil Grand Jury Reports which follows ups on actions taken on recommendations of 6 past reports. Spotwood’s article covers the grand jury’s effectiveness in the first of the past reports, Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied — Marin District Attorney’s Office in Crisis, in a new series.

The second article in Spotwood’s Opinion series of April 28 reviews concerns in the report, The Coming Wave of Older Adults — Is Marin Prepared?.

Another Dick Spotswood Opinion article citing the civil grand jury appeared on May 12 was following up the 2023 report Novato’s Chronic Fiscal Deficits: A Call to Action.

IJ Opinion focuses on issues in a Report by Marin’s Civil Grand Jury

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