Diana López 2023-2024

Serving on the Marin County Civil Grand Jury is an honor and a privilege! It provides citizens a unique opportunity to learn about the structure, operation, strengths and limitations of local government.  

The grand jury, a nineteen body, is an independent voice that ensures that local government operates effectively and transparently. It is authorized to investigate and report on aspects of local government such as public safety, operations, financial management and social services.

There are numerous personal and professional benefits to serving on the Grand Jury including:

  • Developing valuable skills in research, critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration and, most importantly, listening.
  • Leveraging your own skills, expertise, and professional experience.
  • Working in concert with a diverse group of people focused and committed to objectivity and collaborative efforts.
  • Getting to know people and forging new friendships.

It is an intense, rigorous, and extraordinary once-in-a-lifetime experience!