CGJA Annual Conference Postponed

The California Grand Jurors’ Association, our parent organization, had asked our chapter to host their annual conference in San Rafael this coming October.  Unfortunately, due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, the conference had to be postponed.   While we’re disappointed with this temporary decision,

MCCGJA Chapter Update

The Board of Directors has voted to extended member nominations for the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer elections taking place in the fall.
This will better sync with Judge Sweet’s directive on extending the current Grand Jury’s term and the selection and impaneling of the 2020-2021 Jury…

New Chapter Website Launch

The Communication and Membership committee is very proud to announce the launching of an entirely new and revamped Chapter website.  We have been extremely fortunate to have Alan Schaevitz act as our Webmaster.  He had been instrumental in remodeling the Marin Coalition’s website