MCCGJA Election of new Officers

An election by acclamation of the MCCGJA President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary took place at the annual membership meeting on June 20, 2024. Congratulations to the new Officers! Spencer Sias, President Pat Shepherd, Vice President Kevin Hagerty, Treasurer Mara

Annual Membership Meeting

All member are invited to attend this year’s Annual Members Meeting with lunch on June 20th at McInnis Park, Club Restaurant! Our guest speaker will be the Registrar of Voters, Lydia Roberts. Come learn what her department is doing in

New Chapter name!

On April 15th a board quorum voted to change the Chapter’s name to reflect the Association’s recently updated legal name! We are now called: Marin Chapter, Civil Grand Jurors’ Association of California. We will continue being referred to as “Marin