Dear Member,

There are two important events coming up that we wanted to alert you about.  First, on Thursday, June 24, at 1:00 PM we will be holding a Zoom annual meeting to elect new officers.  During that meeting, we will provide information about our various committees for those of you who would like to join a committee and get more involved in the chapter.  The slate of officer nominees will follow along with the Zoom invitation.  Please look for it.

Secondly, we are very excited to announce that we have planned a reception for the last jury, the new sitting jury and all chapter members on July 21st.  This will be LIVE!  Be on the lookout for this invitation but save the date now. After the past year, it will be great to enjoy refreshments and to catch up with old friends and associates.
We hope that you will all set aside the time to attend these two important events and we look forward to seeing you.

Tom Borden

President, Marin Chapter California Grand Jurors’ Association

Upcoming Chapter Events, June 24 and July 21

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