When California became a state, it established the Civil Grand Jury system to ensure local government efficiency, accountability, and responsiveness. Made up of volunteer residents in each County, the Civil Grand Jury is the “citizens’ watchdog” appointed by the California Superior Court for one year to formally investigate the efficiency and responsiveness of any local government entity. The Grand Jury’s findings and recommendations for improvement are then presented to the Marin Board of Supervisors and published on Marin County’s website and in local media.

FYI : All links are functional when clicked. County security generates the Strikethroughs.

Marin County Civil Grand Jury information that is available on the Marin County Civil Grand Jury website includes:

Civil Grand Jury information for all counties is found on the California Courts, the Judicial Branch of California website:
Questions and Answers under Jury Services

Presentation Information:

Here is an informative video about the Marin County Civil Grand Jury, narrated by Judge Kelly V. Simmons, Marin County Superior Court which also appears on the Marin County website:
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