Association of past Marin County Civil Grand Jurors
November 2016 Newsletter
Senior Fair Recruitment – October 26, 2016
Chair – Out Reach Committee
A special “Well Done” to the 16 members who manned the Grand Jury Assn. booth at the Marin Senior Information Fair. We owe you a vote of appreciation for your recruitment efforts for the next Civil Grand Jury. Many thanks to each of you:
Phyllis Berger Larry Bauer Tom Borden Mary Dinday Gene Dyer Carol Fitzgerald Linda Glasscock Jean Gunn Kevin Hagerty Al Lozano John Mann Nadine Muller Jack Nixon Sherry Rogers Marc Steuer
Twenty-eight visitors to our booth signed up to receive more news about our grand jury, several more than last year’s effort. And one application was received the very next day!
Helene Marsh, Chair – IRC Committee
The IRC has determined that during the last two years the sitting Grand Jury’s Continuity Committee has been competently and successfully (aggressively) following up on report responses. Accordingly, it was recommended by the IRC and then voted affirmatively by the Board to suspend the activities of the IRC until the need arises again. As noted by the IRC, future Grand Juries may not continue such a thorough follow-up of responses, and the Board may decide to revive the IRC activities provided there is interest among Association members to take on the follow-up work.
One of the more common comments heard by those staffing our booth at the Senior Fair was that the Grand Jury spends a lot of time digging around into various county affairs and then writing Reports – but nothing really happens as a result of all of that activity.
To provide our Outreach Committee with a tool to counter such arguments, it was decided that we would update our current List of Grand Jury Accomplishments. Helene agreed to take the lead on this task, with input from both Jack and Betty – or anyone else who has suggestions. Further, it was mutually understood that this update should be prepared annually.
Congratulations again to the Independent Journal for winning the CGJA Grand Jury News Media Excellence in Reporting Award.
The California Grand Jurors’ Association has granted the News Media Excellence in Reporting Award to the Marin Independent Journal, of Marin County, for its coverage of Marin County Grand Jury reports over the past three years.
During that time, the Independent Journal published at least 50 articles about grand jury reports on local government investigations. In 2012-13 and 2013-14, the Journal covered 29 jury reports. Some of the articles were positioned on the Journal’s front page.
Shown here are Helene Marsh, Chair, IRC Committee, Robert Sterling, Editor of the Independent Journal accepting the award and Jack Nixon, President, Marin Chapter California Grand Jurors Association.