The Marin Chapter of the Civil Grand Jurors’ Association is an all volunteer, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization (EIN 68-0436171) comprising former Marin County civil grand jurors.
Our mission is to promote and enhance the unique and invaluable Civil Grand Jury function in Marin County.
Your tax-deductible donation will assist in our objectives, which are to educate the public on the duties and responsibilities of the Civil Grand Jury, recruit and train new members of the Civil Grand Jury, promote Civil Grand Jury service, and follow up on the recommendations of the Civil Grand Jury.

Please use one of the methods below to make your donation. The link and QR code are supported by PayPal, and you can use PayPal or your credit card to make your donation. Alternatively, you can mail a check (noting Donation) to the address below.

Thank you for your support!

Use this link:

Or scan this QR code:

Or mail to:

Marin Chapter, CGJA
Attn: Treasurer
P.O. Box 4274
San Rafael, CA 94913-4274