The Marin Chapter, Civil Grand Jurors’ Association (MCCGJA) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with over 100 active members. All past Civil Grand Jurors are qualified to become a member and to then participate in any of our activities.
The MCCGJA Board of Directors is made up of the Officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer), Committee Chairs and Past Presidents. Go to the Past Officers & Board Members Archives to see a list of the members who have filled these roles in the past.
We have monthly meetings most months, held on the second Monday of the month at 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM in Room 410B, Marin County Civic Center.
The MCCGJA has six standing committees:
Outreach/Recruitment Committee – Public Relations, Provides speakers, TV programs, Booths at fairs. Some members may prefer to be speakers or to otherwise assist our Outreach Committee whose job it is to keep the Grand Jury’s activities in the public eye and to do various activities to encourage individuals to apply for duty on the next year’s Grand Jury.
Training Committee – Provides annual detailed training of newly selected Civil Grand Jury.
Membership & Communications Committee – Encourages membership in Chapter and maintains the chapter roster. Maintains this Web Site and a Group Mailing system, provides computer and internet technical assistance to members.
Selection Advisory Committee – Presents information to new applicants to Civil Grand Jury relative to duties and assists Judges in pre-selection process. Interviewing applicants for the next Grand Jury is extremely important. Those interested in sustaining the Civil Grand Jury may wish to be on the Selection Advisory Committee.
Implementation Review Committee – Reviews responses to Civil Grand Jury reports for adequacy and recommends further action to the sitting Civil Grand Jury if needed. While many Grand Jurors are happy to take a break following completion of their year of duty, many are also interested in seeing the results of their Reports. Accordingly, our most popular activity for new members is the Reports Follow-Up activity done by our Implementation Review Committee. See the Reports Archives for past reports produced by the committee.
Social Committee – Arranges for social functions, including luncheons, picnics, and Holiday functions. See the Events Archives for photos of past events.