Hello Fellow Members,
There are lots of new and exciting activities and events as we start 2015.
Outreach Committee – Nadine Muller and Jean Gunn, Co-Chairs:
Next Meeting on February 5, 10am at 817 Montecillo Rd., San Rafael – everyone welcome
The Outreach Committee held its monthly meeting on January 7, 2015 at the home of Nancy Frease. Members reported on Grand Jury recruiting events that were held since last month’s meeting.
• January 4, 2015 Idgi D’Andrea and Fred Silverman spoke at The Redwoods Retirement Community in Mill Valley. Idgi focused on educating the group about the Grand Jury process and her experience, while Fred discussed an example of the Jury’s work: the 2014 Grand Jury report “Aging In Marin: What’s the Plan?”
• December 16, 2014 Jean Gunn met with the San Rafael Harbor Rotary, outlining the Civil Grand Jury history, application process, and her personal experience serving on the previous year’s jury. Brochures and applications were provided.
A number of activities targeted to attract Grand Jury candidates are scheduled over the next 30 days:
• January 22, 2015 Nadine Muller and Jean Gunn have been invited by a former grand juror to make a recruiting presentation to residents at the Marin Villas.
• February 12, 2015 Outreach Committee is holding an informational meeting at the San Rafael Community Center, which will be publicized throughout the county.
• February 2015 Nancy Frease will host a Grand Jury informational coffee at her home that will publicized throughout surrounding neighborhoods via social media.
• January 2015 Reva Safer has placed a timely announcement in the Marin Villages Jan/Feb newsletter aimed at attracting grand jury candidates.
• January 2015 Nadine Muller has written a great article on the Grand Jury process for The Marin Lawyer, the journal newsletter for the Marin County Bar Association encouraging.
• We will begin placing a variety of ads in the IJ (and possibly other newspapers) starting on January 18th and running multiple days every week through the first week in April. (Example of first ad below)

Implementation Review Committee – Tom Borden and Helene Marsh, Co-Chairs:
Meetings on first Thursday each month, 1-3pm, room 410B at Civic Center – everyone welcome
• We’d like to acknowledge John Carlson, the IRC’s first Chairperson, whose dedication and hard work brought the IRC from a “nice idea” two years ago to a roaring reality today. Due to time commitments and family needs John is transferring the leadership reins to the current Co-Chairperson, Tom Borden. Fortunately, John is remaining an active member of the IRC. In an effort to strengthen the leadership and provide coverage, Helene Marsh has agreed to take over the role of Co-Chairperson for the IRC Committee along with Tom.
Status of follow-ups on reports published in 2012-13:
• The summary for the report Retirement Health Care Benefits: The Money Isn’t There has been posted on the IRC webpage. This summary is the most detailed, comprehensive, and “colorful” of all of our follow-ups so far. (You’ll need to see it to fully understand this description.)
Status of follow-ups on reports published in 2013-14:
• The Scoop, Parts 1 & 2- Letters are going out to two districts that have not posted responses. In addition, follow-up letters have been sent to nine of the districts named in the report. Others are pending.
• Recycling- Follow-up letters have been sent to the Board of Supervisors requesting information on all recommendations where their response indicated that further analysis was required. Also, a letter was sent to Sheriff Doyle requesting information on the agreed upon implementation of the recommendation to develop a system to compost post-consumer waste from the jail.
• Get the Picture- Letters will be sent to sent the agencies that have indicated that they were analyzing and/or testing on-body cameras to get an update on their progress.
• Jail Checkup- A follow-up letter will be sent out to one of the respondents asking for and update on information regarding a recommendation requiring further study.

Social Committee – Nancy Frease, Chair:
If you are interested in joining contact Chair
• The revitalized social committee hosted two speaker luncheons in September and November. Two team members from Marin FAST discussed scams directed at seniors and how to avoid falling for them. Judge Beverly Wood described her work with the Community Court, which serves homeless and low income residents in Marin. In December, the committee organized a Holiday Party for past and present members that was well attended. In the coming months, we will host another speaker luncheon to coincide with Chapter elections and prepare for the reception for the new jury in July.
Communications Committee – Gene Dyer, Chair:
If you would like to help with the News Letter or web site updates please contact Gene.
Always new things on our website – https://mccgja.org/
Membership Committee – Owen Haxton, Chair:
If you are interested in joining contact Chair
• Identifying the process necessary for members to be able to take tax deductions for membership dues.
• Gearing up for membership drive with seated Grand Jury.
Orientation Committee – Betty Mattea, Chair:
If you are interested in joining contact Chair
Gearing up for orientation process to begin in April
Training Committee – Catherine McKown, Chair:
If you are interested in joining contact Chair
Gearing up for training process to begin in May