The Covid-19 pandemic has caused great disruption to the normal term schedule of Marin’s Civil Grand Jury. The 2019-2020 term usually ending on June 30th was lengthened by the County’s Superior Court Presiding Judge Andrew Sweet to the year’s end. This jury forced to transition from in-person gathering to Zoom meetings released a total of 10 reports. The winter wave of spiking Covid-19 cases stilled the upcoming jury selection process as Judge Andrew Sweet set April 1st for the start of the next jury with its term ending June 30, 2022. The recently impaneled 2021-2022 Marin County Civil Grand Jury were mainly applicants pulled from 2020 submissions and ultimately selected by the judge from the MCCGJA Selection Advisory Committee’s Zoom interview process conducted by the membership.
Civil Grand Jury Term Length Disruptions